Brantford General Hospital
This innovative project represents the first use of shotcrete shoring in place of caisson walls against a building in Ontario. Caisson walls have typically been utilized duw to low movements from the inherent stiffness of the shoring wall. Soldier Piles and lagging walls may move up to 25 mm if properly designed, while caisson walls will move as little as 4-6mm. The soil was a poorly graded medium grained sand which required special measures, including vertical mini piles for vertical load restraint and face savings (avoid ground loss). A significant savings to the General Contractor resulted and the project was a technicall success, in that the maximum inclinometer movement was 4mm. This 4mm achievement signals a new opportunity for owners and General Contractors as the shotcrete shoring space savings and costs saving is very real.
This project supported an 8 storey hospital, with critical operating rooms, and the shotcrete shoring solution provided a vibration free installation with no structural damages to the owner’s hospital.
Location: Brantford, Ontario
Customer: Bondfield Construction Company